The Regional Institute of Cooperative Management, Bengaluru (RICMB) is one among the 20 training units established by National Council for Cooperative Training, New Delhi (NCCT) an autonomous society promoted by the Ministry of Cooperation, Government of India. RICMB was started in the year 1962 initially to serve the cooperative training requirements of the then Mysore and Kerala States. During the year 1995 the NCCT upgraded the institute to the present status and RICMB now serves the training requirements of Southern States. RICMB has been contributing over the years to the Cooperative Movement through its activities viz. Management Training, Management Education, Research, Consultancy, and other related activities. RICMB is recognised by SEBI, C-PEC and other organisations for conducting training programmes. The department of Cooperation, Government of Karnataka recognised RICMB as one of the nodal institutions to conduct the recruitment examination.
Latest News
Shri T H M Kumar IAS
Registrar of Cooperative Societies, GoK & Chairman, Management Committee of RICM, Bangalore.
Shri P N Suresh
Director Incharge, RICM, Bangalore
Application for the post of Lecturer
Certificate Course in Computer Applications & Accounting Managment from 24.07.2023 to 15.09.2023 sponsored by the Directorate General Resettlement (DGR), New Delhi, Government of India
Col PL Jayaram from CMP Centre delivered the opening address for the DGR sponsored Certificate Course in Computer Applications and Accounting Management.
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